Monday, January 17, 2011

One Fun School Day

"I don't know," she said. "I wonder what he thinks about when he's sleeping too."

On a Monday Freddy James wakes up to his alarm clock which was set at 7:30 am. He gets out and bed and sees the get ready list on his door. On the list there are the following: get dressed, wash your hair, eat some oatmeal crisp and after brush your teeth but, don't use your normal tooth brush because I used it on our dog Bones. When Freddy is all ready he looks outside and starts to cry. What does he see? He sees that there is the biggest snow blizzard ever and school is not canceled.

When Freddy gets to school he finds that all of his classmates are running around the school, throwing dodge balls all over, and playing Call of Duty Black Ops on the smart board.

Freddy asked Jonsy, "What is going on?"

"Not a single teacher as arrived yet and its 9:00 plus no O' Canada!" exclaimed Jonsy.

"That is so cool," said Freddy,"why is there no teachers here?"

"Probably because they can't make it out of their driveways hahaha," said Jonsy.

"Do you think they forgot about school today?" asked Freddy.

"I don't know Freddy but, if they did they should have detention all day tomorrow ha ha," laughed Jonsy.

Jonsy asked Freddy if he wanted to play some Call of Duty zombie edition.

Freddy replied, "Sure but just to let you know I'm brutal at video games."

Jonsy said, "That's all right, I just put you on recruit meaning easy."

They both played video games for 2 full hours with out stopping.

Jonsy exclaimed to Freddy, "You're not brutal your amazing at this game; look you got 109 kills and only got infected once!"

Freddy smiled at Jonsy and then said, "I now I have this game; my player name is PS3 Legit Pancake's."

"Cool," said Jonsy. "I'll add you right now."

After Jonsy was done adding Freddy on his PS3, Freddy asked Jonsy if he wanted to go paint balling.

Jonsy looked at Freddy and said, "I was born to go paint balling."

So they go down to the gym and find their paint ball equipment in the exact spot where they left it. They load their paint balling guns with paint balls and start to fire at little grade five kids. One tries to run away but, Jonsy spots him. They fire at the kid but, instead of the paint ball hitting the kid it hits the principal in the head.

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